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Research Activities

  • 2021 - 2022: Development of a prototype IoT back-end infrastructure (done through the PlanMANILA2030 Project implemented by the UP Resilience Institute) 

  • 2017: Independent research on electric propulsion (done through the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)

  • 2016: Crafting of the Satellite Development Roadmap (done through the National SPACE Development Program implemented by Regulus SpaceTech Inc.)


Research Interests

  • Artificial Intelligence

  • Robotic systems: ground, underwater, surface, and aerial systems

  • Internet of Things

  • Space technology for civilian and defense applications

  • Astrodynamics and orbital mechanics

  • Space security

  • Space Education; Physics and Robotics Education

  • Game development and application of games in teaching (gamification)

  • Strategic and Defense studies

  • Public Policy

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